The definition of forest

Forest is a complex formation (biogeocenosis) of trees that affect each other and the environment in which they are located.

Forest structure determines three basic components:

  1. Flora
  2. Fauna
  3. Habitat

An essential part of the forest makes the mostly of plant life, and it determines looks and the physiognomy of the forest. All plant organisms in the forest make up an association called the forest phytocoenoses consisting of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants, lichens, mosses and mushrooms.

Living environment is the natural framework within which all living beings live and work in many ways linked mutual influences.

Habitability – term that means any natural and artificial space that provides man corresponding external conditions for its continuous existence- food, shelter, air conditioning and different benefits.

Under the environment we mean:
– Social, natural and artificial elements created
– Physical, chemical and biological factors of life
– Indirectly and directly affects the life and work of the people

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